Sunday, 7 December 2014

105 days to go!!!!!

After what has been a frustrating 3 weeks with injury, the weekend has been a relief (on the running front and cycling) and inspirational watching others race!

Inspiration came from friends competing (and doing amazing things) in the amazingness that is the 240 km Coast to Kosci ultra trail run, ni the brutal conditions at the Lorne adventure race, the spectacle of Challenge Bahrain (that brought online viewing to a new level), and Ironman WA.

And i'm massively proud of Claire for running a 5k PB in the Sussan Classic this morning!!!

I went out for a run this arvo, with my leg sore from standing/walking around at little aths yesterday determined for it to be ok. For the first 2km i set about trying to work out during which bit of the stride it hurt. It appeared to hurt when i pushed off, well why don't i lift my leg instead of pushing off ... WOW!!!! It didn't hurt, so i spent the next 6km running through mud, long grass and formed tracks, focusing on lifting my foot from the ground, not using it to push off.
Initially I was running quite slow, so just to see if this technique could be a long-term fix I ramped up the pace ... and it felt awesome!

Looks like i'm back on track for IM Melbourne in 105 days!!

Hopefully i pull up ok tomorrow and can continue to ramp up the miles!!

Monday, 1 December 2014

16 weeks out - update

Again, i've been a bit slack in updates.

However, with only 16 weeks to go until race day, i'm thinking a weekly update will be pretty easy from here on in.

The last month or so has been a little all over the place.

November was supposed to be a big month, with Noosa Oly distance, followed by Shepp 1/2 IM 2 weeks later and Mornington 1/2 IM two weeks after that (yesterday).

Well, it didn't quite work.

Noosa was a great race, as it always is and I was pretty happy with my time.

And here's a few happy snaps from Noosa ...

During the swim - (centre of shot, left arm out of the water)

Heading out on the ride

Heading out on the run - with my now famous turtle hat

But after that i needed a break and mentally couldn't get up for Shepp. I gave myself 2 weeks to get back in the right headspace and was going well. A solid week of training done ... then boom!! Injury!!

So yet again i'm missing race through injury. After chatting with my physio, I could have done Mornington, but it would have risked a month of training. Pretty easy decision really!!

So now here i am 16 weeks out, injury pretty much ready to train on and about to enter the Christmas Silly Season. I'm just going to get through until Christmas, doing as much as my life allows.

Following Christmas, i've got 11 or so days at home. I can see that time as a great chance to get some solid sessions, as well as quality family and sorting the garden time in.  Then it's away with some friends for a week holiday...YAY!! That week might be a little light on, maybe a good recovery week.

From there it's 10 weeks ... It's getting scarily close!!!

Anyway, i best go clean up from dinner, so i can get to bed and get some zzzz's before the alarm goes off at 4am!

Cheers Tim