Sunday 7 December 2014

105 days to go!!!!!

After what has been a frustrating 3 weeks with injury, the weekend has been a relief (on the running front and cycling) and inspirational watching others race!

Inspiration came from friends competing (and doing amazing things) in the amazingness that is the 240 km Coast to Kosci ultra trail run, ni the brutal conditions at the Lorne adventure race, the spectacle of Challenge Bahrain (that brought online viewing to a new level), and Ironman WA.

And i'm massively proud of Claire for running a 5k PB in the Sussan Classic this morning!!!

I went out for a run this arvo, with my leg sore from standing/walking around at little aths yesterday determined for it to be ok. For the first 2km i set about trying to work out during which bit of the stride it hurt. It appeared to hurt when i pushed off, well why don't i lift my leg instead of pushing off ... WOW!!!! It didn't hurt, so i spent the next 6km running through mud, long grass and formed tracks, focusing on lifting my foot from the ground, not using it to push off.
Initially I was running quite slow, so just to see if this technique could be a long-term fix I ramped up the pace ... and it felt awesome!

Looks like i'm back on track for IM Melbourne in 105 days!!

Hopefully i pull up ok tomorrow and can continue to ramp up the miles!!

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