Friday 10 May 2013

Puffing Billy Great Train Race & Where I'm At...

There hasn't been much training happening over the past few weeks, mostly due to sickness. I'm figuring there's no use busting myself while I'm still a fair way from the Melbourne Marathon and IM Melbourne.

Oh yeah, did I mention I entered Melbourne Marathon, figured I should know what a marathon feels like before the IM.

Anyway, the past few weeks I've been trying to develop a training program leading up to IM Melbourne.

Between now and then I've pretty much decided to do a minimal number of events and just focus on 226km next March! So the lead up is:

Melbourne Marathon
Noosa Olympic Distance Triathlon
Challenge Melbourne 1/2 IM
IM Melbourne

My program is being developed by the guidelines presented in Joe Friel's "The Triathlete'sTraining Bible", and I'm fairly happy with where it's at - but I guess time will tell.

So back to the current... Last Sunday was Puffing Billy's Great Train Race. The idea behind this race is the runners race a hundred year old steam train through 13.2 km of twisty hill roads. A number of runners beat the train, which depending upon conditions takes between about 50 and 57 minutes.

For mine, it's a brilliant run with a couple of challenging climbs and some fast down hill stretches. If you know how to run fast down hill you can make up some some serious time!!

I went into the race seriously under prepared, having done less than 80 km of flat running since injuring my ankle in January.

Come race day, it was a cool, overcast day - perfect conditions! I managed to get around the course in a PB, but really struggled uphill. 

Over the last week I've managed to run every second day, so I'm pretty happy with that. Although I'm still only training for fun and fitness at present, I know that over the next few weeks it need to get more serious and start to build my long sessions in the pool, on the bike and on the path....

See you out there :)

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