Friday 24 May 2013

The people you meet...

This morning i dropped my car off at the car dealer to get serviced and ran back to the cafe near Jamesy's school to meet Claire and Em for a coffee, followed by a walk home.

Apart from the fact it was about 5 degrees (i really need running gloves - my hands are still frozen as i write this!!) it was a great, albiet short, run.

The majority of the run was along the Kananook Creek Trail, which on the adjacent map is the section running south to north adjacent to the beach.  The trail follows the creek along what is essentially a sand ridge between the beach and the swamp and as i discovered this morning is a favourite haunt of the Oldies for their morning walks!!

It was a cold and foggy morning, with the general friendly conversation with everyone you passed being something along the lines of "gee, it's cold" with the reply of "yeah, but at least it's not raining".  One conversation went beyond this.

As i was running past Seaford Railway Station, say g'day to old mate, he replies with "lovely morning, what's MPTC stand for?", to which i reply "Mornington Peninsula Triathlon Club".  He went on to tell me how he'd have loved to have had triathlon in his day, it would have saved him from the monotony of just training for and racing marathons - but he continues, the road trips to compete interstate were pretty amazing fun.

Oh, and his parting advice... Look after your knees!! (Cheers mate, i'm all over that one!)

Even though this was a 20 second conversation, as we crossed paths, his face seemed to light up and he told his story, and remembered events past.

For me, today was one of those, it's all about your journey not your destination, days!

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